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Hardware common sense, the basic knowledge of aluminum, how much do you know?
15th of June ,2023

Aluminum is a kind of light metal. Its compounds are very wide in nature. The aluminum content in the crust is about 8 % (weight), second only to oxygen and silicon, ranking third. Among the metal varieties, second only to steel, it is the second largest metal. The conductivity and ductility of aluminum are good and have a wide range of applications. It involves light industry, electric power, electrical, electronics, automobiles, machinery manufacturing, construction, packaging and other industries. It is an important basic raw material for the development of the national economy.

The main producers of aluminum in the world are: the United States, Russia, Canada, China, Australia, Brazil, etc. The output in my country ranked third in the world in 1998. The main producers are: Qinghai Aluminum Plant (198,000 tons), Guizhou Aluminum Plant (195,000 tons), Baotou Aluminum Group (113,000 tons), Guangxi Pingguo Aluminum Plant (105,000 tons), Ningxia Bronze Tongxia Aluminum Plant (102,000 tons), etc.

Main factors affecting aluminum price changes: output and inlet quantities; inventory; the level of electricity bills; the application of related alternative products; improvement and innovation of production technology.

Suitable for the main characteristics of futures transactions: a large number of production and sales, with many buyers and sellers; the quality is uniform, the specifications are simple, and the level standards are easy to divide;

International Domestic Transaction Overview: The largest exchange in international aluminum contract is the London Metal Exchange (LME). In 1997, aluminum contract transaction volume reached 22.5 million hands, which was 28 times the world's aluminum output. Listing aluminum standard contracts, Shanghai Metal Exchange is one of the more influential exchanges. From the opening in 1992 to the end of 1997, a total of 14.94 million tons, of which 11.4 million tons were sold in 1994, which was 7.6 times the aluminum output of the year.

Compared with other metal materials, aluminum and aluminum alloys have the following characteristics:

1. Lear density

The density of aluminum and aluminum alloy is close to 2.7g/, about 1/3 of iron or copper.

2. High strength

The strength of aluminum and aluminum alloy is high. After a certain degree of cold processing, the strength of the substrate can be strengthened, and the aluminum alloy of some brands can also be strengthened through heat treatment.

3. Good conductivity thermal heat

The conductivity of aluminum is second only to silver, copper and gold.

4. Good erosion resistance

The surface of the aluminum is easy to naturally produce a layer of dense and firm AL2O3 protective film, which can well protect the substrate from being corroded. Through artificial anode oxidation and coloring, cast aluminum alloy or processed transformer aluminum alloy with good casting performance can be obtained.

5. Easy processing

After adding a certain alloy element, you can obtain a good cast aluminum alloy or a deformed aluminum alloy with good plastic plasticity.


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