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Hot rolling article of stainless steel surface processing
2nd of November ,2023

There are three basic rolling surface processing of plates and band materials, which are represented by the production process of plates and belt materials.

NO.1: After hot rolling, annealing, pickling and removing scales. The surface of the steel plate after treatment is a dull surface, a bit rough.

No.2D: better than N0.1 surface processing, and it is also dim surface. After cold rolling, annealing, and removing scales, we finally gently rolled with hair rollers.

NO.2B: This is the most commonly used in architectural applications. Except for the last mild and cold rolling of polishing rollers after annealing and scales, other processes are the same as 2D. The surface is slightly glowing, which can be polished.

NO.2B Light Anti -fire: This is a reflective surface that is rolled by polishing rollers and finally annealing in the controllable atmosphere. Light annealing still maintains its reflection surface and does not produce oxide.

Because no oxidation reactions occur during the lighting of light, no need to pick up and passivation.

NO.3: It is represented by 3A and 3B. \ "

3A: The surface is grinded evenly, and the particle size is 80 ~ 100.

3B: The hair surface is polished, and the surface has a uniform straight lines. Usually, the sand belt with a particle size from 180 ~ 200 is made of 2A or 2B board.

NO.4: One -way surface processing and not strong reflexivity. This surface processing may be the most widely used in architectural applications. Its process steps are to polish with coarse abrasives, and finally grind with a mill with a particle size of 180.

NO.6: It is further improvement of No. 4, or tancin polishing nO. in the abrasives and oil agglutinations. NO. 4 surface. \ "British Standard 1449" is not available for processing, but it can be found in the US standards.

NO.7: It is called light polishing, which is polished to the surface that has been worn well but still has grinding marks.

2A or 2B boards are usually used, with fiber or cloth polishing wheels and corresponding polishing cream.

NO.8: Mirror polishing surface, high reflectivity, is usually called mirror surface processing because its reflected image is clear.

Use fine abrasive to polish the stainless steel, and then polish it with a very fine polishing paste.

What should be noted in architectural applications is that this surface will leave a handprint if the personnel flow is large or people often touch. Although these handprints can be wiped off, after all, it affects beauty. The surface processing described in a certain official standard and literature is only a conventional introduction. Only real samples can most intuitively represent the type of surface processing.


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