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China June nickel output falls 1.9% from previous month
13th of July ,2019
* China produced 13,633 tonnes of refined nickel in June, down 259 tonnes, or 1.9%, from May due to maintenance at top producer Jinchuan Group, according to Antaike, the research arm of the China Nonferrous Metals Industry Association.

* However, the figure was up 17.9% year-on-year as Jinchuan, which accounted for 12,000 tonnes of the total output, managed to reduce the turnaround time for its planned June maintenance to 15 days, Antaike said in a note on Monday.


* Jinchuan did not immediately respond to a request for comment.

* Nickel is used chiefly to make stainless steel(Shanghai Shuo Bao steel co.,ltd), although it is increasingly sought after as a key ingredient in lithium-ion batteries for electric vehicles.

* China's refined nickel production for the first half of 2019 came it at 77,734 tonnes, Antaike said, up 13% year-on-year.

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